Yunus, un enfant de 5 ans qui consulte pour des problèmes de compréhension à l’école. Vernex-L est utilisé et nous montre un niveau en langue maternelle très haut et un niveau en langue d’accueil très bas. L’hypothèse d’un trouble du langage est rapidement écartée et un appui pédagogique supplémentaire est mis en place. Durant la...
Pablo, un enfant de 6 ans est annoncé pour d’importants problèmes scolaires. Il apprend peu, bouge énormément, dérange la classe. Des troubles attentionnels sont soupçonnés par l’enseignante. Les tests effectués, notamment la TEA-Ch n’indiquent rien de concluant. Vernex-P est administré et montre que la compréhension est très basse tant en français qu’en espagnol. La différence...
Qiang, un enfant chinois ne parle pas du tout à 6 ans. Ni en français, ni en mandarin. Un bilan pédopsychiatrique conclut à un trouble du spectre autistique. Vernex-P est administré pour évaluer la compréhension tant en mandarin qu’en français. Il en ressort un résultat bien meilleur en mandarin. Un travail avec la famille se...
About 20% of the U.S. population speaks a language other than English at home. Most of them consider English to be their second language. Some people have such limited English proficiency, that it would be inaccurate to even consider English as their second language. But here’s a logical question: what if these people were to...
Assessment of intelligence or cognitive abilities has long been a controversial issue due to the unclear definition of intelligence, the innate bias of standardized assessment tests, and the relationship between the scores on intelligence and achievement tests. Apart from those general problems another issue with intelligence assessment represents the assessment of children from ethnic...
There’s a major question that has stumped psychologists for quite a long time: « How do you measure or assess intelligence in an unbiased and accurate manner? » Is it even possible? One of those psychologists is Dr. Gary A. Plank who became particularly interested in American Indian children/adolescents and the methods of intelligence testing they had...
It’s always the patterns that grasp our attention the most. Whenever something happens too frequently, in an unexplained manner, that’s when we begin to question it. In 1968, Lloyd Dunn was among the first to realize that there was a disproportionate number of minority students in special education classrooms. A couple of years later, Evelyn...
For decades, psychologists have been concerned with IQ measurement. It’s always been a method of assessing a child’s intelligence and a criterion for their educational placement. However, as important as IQ measurements are, very little attention has been given to the types of IQ measures. Generally speaking, there are two types of IQ measures: verbal...